Friday, August 19, 2011

10 Months!

I have become the worst blogger ever!  Work has gotten crazy, and by the time I get Kali and come home, I spend all my time with her until she goes to sleep. And then I attempt to have an hour of "me" time relaxing before it's bed!  And not mention chasing after this beautiful bebe!

And 10 months have already passed since we welcome her into the world! Sheesh! Time really does fly.  When you're pregnant and people always tell you that the time will fly by, you roll your eyes and think "A year, is a year, is a year, no matter how you spend it".  Well that is bull!   Last night I held a little 3 month old baby.  And I thought "Kali was was just this small last week, what happened?"  Like every month, I'm amazed at the things she can do, and LOVE every second!

Since she always tries to attack the sign, I tried to put it out of reach.

And she kept taking the bow off her head, which is why there isn't one.


"Can I have the sign now?!"

Ready to crumple it!

YAY! Sign destroyed!

I love this baby so much!!!!! She melts my heart with this little grin

10 Month Stats:Weight: 23lbs when we went to the doctor earlier this week.

Height: 30 inches.

Eating: You have decided that pureed food are not for you and that you're a big girl.  So you try to get everything we're eating, but you're doing great with it.  This month, we're starting to wean off of the bottle.  You're doing so great with the sippy cups, but the problem is taking away those bottles at nap time.  It's comforting to you, and since you don't take a pacifier, I'm not sure how well it's going to go.  I'm hoping well... 

Sleep: Thankfully you're back to sleeping through the night!!! Phew! And you've recently decided to move your bedtime up yourself.  We used to start bath around 8-815pm, but now you start getting sleep around 730pm, so that's when we start bath. And you're normally asleep by 830, instead of 9pm.  And you'll sleep all night with very few wakings if any at all.  I think it has something to do with the fact that I put one of my night shirts in the crib with you.  Every other night I'll switch it out for you.  But whatever works, we'll take it!

Accomplishments: Still mostly crawling, but I swear that you're so close to walking.  You injured your foot last week (we're still not sure how), and you wouldn't put any weight on it. So you just started standing on it again and walking along the couch.  Hopefully it didn't set you back, but as we've learned, when you put your mind to something you go for it.
You have started to actually BLOW kisses with your hand, and you'll give your bunny a hug and kiss when I ask (SUPER cute!).  You also started DANCING! Cutest thing in the whole world.  Even if you're sitting down, you'll swing your arms and shake your body.  Doesn't matter what the music is, if you feel the beat, you'll dance.  I can't wait to be able to put you in a dance class when you're older!
Your favorite game seems to be Patty cake.  You will start clapping and I think you're saying "Yay" for something, but you're really playing patty cake.  You get so excited about the "Roll it and Pat it" part.  I taught you to pat your stomach when the Pat it part came, and you pat your tummy and legs. It's so cute!
You have also taking a liking to cartoons.  NickJr. has some great preschool shows, and you seem to enjoy Bubble Guppies and Olivia the best.
I love you so much and can't wait to see what you'll learn this month!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

9 months

WOW I'm Super late writing this one.  There's been a lot of stuff going on the past month that I haven't even been able to find 10 minutes to blog about my precious baby that is growing way faster than I'm ready.  So, I'm going to try and make this short and sweet.

Kali has been growing and learning in leaps and bounds! Seems like everyday she's figuring out something new. (Like today she learned how to get onto the sit to stand bike/walker thing at Mema and Papa's.)
I was able to get her into Olan Mills for her 9month picture, only a week and a half late, but that was because she was having some issues with allergies and her nose was red the week after her 9 month, so we had to wait it out.  But thanks to Devin and my mom coming to help TJ and I, they turned out adorable! I can't wait to post these all over the house, and order 10000 to hand out to family and friends!!! Although I might be a little biased, I love all her pictures!

The first picture, and it's so cute!
I love how her little toes are together!

That cute little grin.
Melts my heart!

This her newest thing!
All by herself!!
So far, she only does it for a few seconds, before she freaks and sits down.

This is another thing that she has learned to do.
'Blow' kisses.
We were trying to get her to give kisses to the camera,
but she kept looking down whenever she'd do it.
But this one came out cute! :-)

She kept wanting to climb on or chew on these columns.
But we got one good smile.

We used this same basket during the Easter pictures we took.
She did good in it, but still wanted to play with the bottom or chew on the sides.
Here, she's smiling at Devin who was playing peek-a-boo with her.

LoVe, lOvE, LOVE!!!
Her toes! Her intentness! Her gentleness with the flower!
I just love this picture so much!!

We had to get a picture of that initial/name on her butt!

By this time, she was over taking pictures.
She was over us trying to make her smile too!
We were all (my mom, Devin, me and TJ) saying "Boo"
and playing Peed-a-Boo that she eventually looked up and said straight faced
"Boo" and looked back down to what she was doing. LOL!
She cracks me up!

Her standing again (look at those chunky thighs! LOVE!
And I like her name spelled in the background.
But most people don't realize that until I point it out!
Of course, she's the main focus of the picture anyway!
 AND THEN.....

My Obsession!
Olan Mills is starting to do customization.
She made that awesome picture above Sepia and then did the color accents on the flowers.
It's so soft, and precious and I totally love it!
I think I'm going to order a huge canvas print of this from in the near future.
I want to hang it in the living room. :-)

9 Month Stats:
: 24lbs at your 9 month check up.

Height: 29 1/2 inches.

Eating: We've upgraded to a sippy cup and you're doing awesome with it! We've also slimmed down the amount of bottles you're taking. But you still get about 16oz of formula per day.  You're up to 3 meals a day with an afternoon snack of Gerber Graduates, and you're really getting the hang of finger foods.  You love noodles of any kind.  Lomein, spaghetti, etc. And rice too.  Since your 4th tooth came in, you've learned how to bite. And will actually bite the piece of food if I say "be sure to bite it".  That started with some Gerber puffs that are like mini cheese puffs (but of course healthier for you and in veggie flavors) and I would say "bite" and you did.  It's amazing the things you know how to do.

Sleep: You've reverted and it's killing me! Daddy was out of town working for 4 weeks, and that meant that I was the only one here to get up with you.  And that also meant that you wound up in the bed with me more often than not because I was too tired to wrestle you to bed.  I'm not sure what has happened to make you get up in the middle of the night, but we're going to have to figure out how you can put yourself back to sleep without the necessity of mommy/daddy coming in to hold you. Self soothe child, self soothe!!!

Accomplishments: Still crawling, and you're now pulling up on everything! You also started "cruising" around the furniture too.  Everyone that sees you says that you're going to be walking any day now. But I've been saying that for a we'll see. But you do walk all over the house while holding on to some one's fingers too!  And like the picture above, you're starting to stand by yourself for short periods of time.  I saw you attempt to take a step one time, but then I think you got scared and sat down.
You love your sit to stand walker toy and will walk it all over the house. You've also started to push your toys around while you crawl behind it.  You have figured out how to flip yourself out of your walker, which means that it will no longer contain you while mommy takes a shower.  Back to nighttime showers for me after you go to sleep to avoid this again!
You're becoming more and more vocal. "Da" is your current favorite word and you say it all the time at everything.  I think you're trying to say "Dog", but I'm not sure just yet.  And thankfully you're still growling. I don't know what I'll do the day you stop growling at me with that cute expression.
The touch and feel books we have that have critters on them where you can feel their fur, are your new favorite thing!  I find you in your room all the time playing with these books.  And you know exactly where to feel on each page to touch the fur.  I'm so glad that you love books, and every time I find you look at them, I'll sit down and we'll "read" or look at each book you pick up. We've sat in your room for 20+ minutes on more than one occasion.  Looks like I'm going to be on Amazon finding you more learning books! :-)
I love you more than words. I love you more than you'll ever know my monster. You've made my life complete!