Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sitting around the fire

Kali helped TJ pick up sticks in the yard while I went to work for a few hours the other day.  She's such a big helper outside!   She loved it.

Such a big helper!

 Last night, we decided to have a little bonfire in the yard (with the fire pit TJ got me last year for Christmas, that we haven't been able to use yet cause Florida is too stinkin' hot!!!).  We had some cardboard to burn too.  Which is my favorite part cause it will turn the flame green! Super fun! LOL! I'm such a kid!
Kali and I waiting for Daddy to get the fire started
(don't you totally love her shirt?! I do!!!)

And...we have fire!

I realized that Kali hasn't been around a fire before (when she could walk) and therefore didn't know fire safety.  So we had to show her how close she could get, and that the fire was hot and not to touch it.  I held her, put my hand out, and said "See, the fire is hot."  Kali then put her hand out to feel the fire with me.  From then on, every time she got close to the fire, she put her hand out and felt it.  She didn't get close to it.  She's so smart, and learns things so quickly! It's amazing!!!

Feeling the fire.

We really enjoyed it! But then...Kali decided she would play on the steps of the porch instead.  It was kinda cute. 
Peace out ya'll!!

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