Thursday, January 5, 2012


Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!!!!! 

Although I hate to see 2011 go, I'm excited about what 2012 has to offer. 
2011 was full of firsts and I'm so glad that I was able to be there for them.
First crawling, First foods, First words, First steps, First teeth, First time seeing Fireworks, First time on the boat, First time at the beach, and First time seeing Christmas lights (since she didn't really see them in 2010).

It was truly an amazing year!!

We rang in the New Year at a friend's house eating and having smores around the campfire.  We only stayed until about 10:00pm, then headed home to get Kali in the bed.  She was asleep before 11pm so she didn't get to see the New York New Years ball drop, but TJ and I got to watch it on the couch in our comfy jammies.  Oh yea, we're wild and crazy I tell ya!!

Here are a couple pictures of our New Years celebration!  Can't wait to see all that 2012 has in store for us!!!

Kali in her adorable Bubble Guppies shirt.
She kept going up to everyone and pointing at her shirt.
She loves than dang show!!

Theresa, Amy, Amy, Preston, Lori, and I sporting our super cool 2012 glasses!

Kali, ringing in the New Year

Trying on her 2012 glasses.

TJ and I

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