Monday, March 28, 2011

Walker Time

Kali has a walker at her Memaw and Papa's (TJ's parent's) house and she loves it.  She has mastered backwards, but is still working on going forward.  So I found the Cosco Beep Beep Walker, I got the pink one (the first pink thing in the house...UGH! I was so trying to avoid that, but the orange one was uglier than the pink, so I went with the lesser of two evils.).  And since we have wood floors, she loves it! :)

(really it's more like SSQQQUUUEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL, but I'm sure she meant Weee)

Having fun in my walker

While she was in her walker, she found the swing.  She hated that swing.  Anytime you put her in it, she would start to scream.  But now....she wants to push it.  She's a crazy one I tell ya! But I love her all the same.  And I love her little gurgly giggle. Makes me smile.

Do you see that?! That little white bump on the left side (her right) of her mouth?!
That ladies and gentleman would be a TOOTH!
A big, honkin', sharp tooth! (and I know it's sharp cause she has bit my finger more than once!!)

But, those blue eyes own me. So she can bite me anytime she wants!!
(well until she gets more of those little white sharp things!) =)

Oh, and while I'm on a roll here with video and pictures.  She has this new thing that I like to call "Floor Swimming".  Even though I lay out a huge blanket for her with all of her toys on it, she insists on rolling OFF of the blanket and ONTO the hardwood floor.  I know those things are cold...but she keeps doing it.  No matter how many times I pick her back up and put her back on the blanket.   So the past couple of times she's done it, I let her stay on the cold floor for a few minutes.  And say things like "That floor is cold, isn't it? Don't you want to get on the nice warm blanket where all your toys are?" she can understand me and is going to reply "Why yes mother.  I would really like to get back on the blanket.  Do you mind placing me gently in the center so that I can easily return to this exact same spot in 5 minutes and repeat this whole scenario.  Thanks."  Yea...I'm THAT mom, that has conversations with my child-in my head.  Sheesh...

So ANYWAY, back to the floor swimming.  She has started doing this when she gets to the hardwood.  She will flail her arms and kick her legs and look at me, as if to say "Look at me go" (yes I know I just did it again, but I can't help it). 

For your viewing pleasure: Floor Swimming.  Starring Kali

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