Sunday, November 20, 2011

13 Months

I realized last night after posting my beginning of November post, that I haven't done Kali's 13 month post yet.  I've been such a blog slacker.  I apologize!!!  And the crazy thing is that she's learning so much the past month or so, that I really want to share everything the bug has been learning and doing. 
I don't have any "I'm 13 Months Old Today" pictures, cause I was going to do that for the first year. But now...I kinda miss it. So here are some random pictures, taken from my phone.

My little country girl.  Hanging out in Mema & Papa's garden,
in her overalls.  She looked so adorable!

Sitting in her Bumbo seat (that she used to HATE when she was a baby)

Miss Sassy!
She had her hat, phone, keys and necklace. 
All she was missing was a purse. LOL

Opening her Lawnmower from Aunt Debbie

Pushing it around the house
(she's been doing this for 3 days now.  And it's LOUD!)

13 Month Stats:

Weight: 24.5lbs

Height: 30.5 inches

Eating: You eat anything that we eat (minus shellfish and nuts). You still have your favorites, and I love to see you eat all those fruits and veggies!

Sleep: We're trying to get you back to sleeping through the night.  We're not sure what has stopped that progression, but we'll slowly but surely get back there.  Right now you're only waking up about 1 time per night, but it's still a battle to get you back to sleep.  It's a progress. 

Accomplishments: You have 8 teeth now, and I think you're getting some more.  You're still working on talking more, and have added "Bi" for bite.  But you're getting better with your critters! 
You know what a tiger says (Rawr), a frog says (Stick out your tongue - cause they have long tongues), Dog (growl), an Elephant (Pthhhh with your tongue), and now a cow (moooo). You got a book for your birthday called "First 100 words".  It has pictures of all sorts of things that children
say as their first words.  You can recognize lots of things in the book. All of the animals that you know the sounds of, juice, books, birds, babies, ducks, fish, shoes, and more.  It's amazing all the things that you recognize and know what they are.
You also recently started shaking your head "No".  Especially when you have something you know you're not supposed to have, you'll look at us and shake your head no...but keep whatever it is. 
You have an uncanny fascination with Tupperware.  It's the only cabinet in the kitchen that we'll let you get into, and you will sit in front of it and play with the Tupperware forever!  It's pretty funny.  I could just buy you a bunch of Tupperware for Christmas, and I bet you'd be happy.

This is already a great start to her second year! LOVE YOU MONSTER!

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