Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Shopping

This year, I decided to host Thanksgiving at our house since last year (our first Thanksgiving at our new home, and Kali's first Thanksgiving) we were at TJ's brother's house in Birmingham.  Originally it was going to be us (TJ, me, and Kali) my parents, and TJ's parents.  But TJ's sister and brother in law, were able to come down and join us!  So, we had a full house and some yummy food!
My parents brought the Turkey and my dad's pumpkin and apple pies.  TJ's parents brought some sides of baked beans, deviled eggs, stuffing, green beans, and pecan pie.  TJ's sister brought a sweet potato pie (I'd never had one of those before and it was delicious!!!).  And I made a sweet potato souffle, corn, ranch potatoes, and rolls.  It was all so good! And the best part of having Thanksgiving at my house?! THE LEFT OVERS!!!!! Kali and I just ate Thanksgiving dinner all over again for lunch today. Yummy!!!

It was also great to have everyone over! There are a lot of things we're thankful for this year, and having a wonderful family that loves us and adores our child is amazing! We're surrounded by some of the best people, and I tell Kali every night everyone that loves her and how lucky she is (and remind myself how lucky I am to have her and have all those people in my life as well).

After dinner, I prepared for some Black Friday shopping! My best friend, Jen and I go every year. We were kinda hesitant about it starting so dang early this year (9pm at Toys R Us and 10pm at Walmart), but we headed out anyway.  We got to Toys R Us at 8pm, and the lines was ridiculously long.  We decided to stay in the nice warm car and wait until they opened and the crowd went in before attempting it.  We walked up to the door about 8:50, and found that they were only letting about 30 people in at a time.  Which is actually smart on their part, but that meant that we were going to have to wait in line for 2 hours before even getting inside and then fighting the checkout line.  We decided that nothing we wanted was THAT important, and headed to Walmart.  After searching for a parking spot for 30 minutes (people were parking on the side of the HIGHWAY just to go in there), Jen let me out at the door to scope out what the inside was like.  It was a freaking MADHOUSE!  It went from ridiculous at Toys R Us to insanity at Walmart.  I got stuck by the pallet with the $5 barbies and thought that I was going to die when they started ripping into it and barbies were flying!  I eventually had to ditch my cart just to try and get out of that section and find Jen (who finally found a parking spot).  We got the few things we needed and went to the Lawn and Garden section to check out.  Then we headed back to Toys R Us and got the few things we needed there (like Kali's Power Wheels! Whoop Whoop) and stood in the checkout line for ONE HOUR. Ridiculous I tell you!
We stopped at Target last, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated.  We were home by 3am and I was asleep by 3:30a.

I was able to knock a few people off my shopping list, and Kali is officially done.  But I'm not sure that I'll do Black Friday shopping next year if they start it so early again.  There were people there that normally wouldn't go if it was at 3am like normal.  But since it was 9/10pm, they figured they could attend and go home and sleep afterwards.  It just wasn't worth that amount of crowd and chaos for me to do again.  But I always enjoy shopping with Jen, and it made for a good story ;-)

NOW, I'm cleaning up the living room of all Kali's toys and putting some of them up to prepare for the CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!  I think we're going to start decorating this Sunday.  We've had such a busy couple of months, that we never really get a full day on the weekend to ourselves.  So I'm preparing for it to be like that this month again.  And taking advantage of the fact that we have nothing planned for Sunday and going to decorate.  I'm kinda excited to see how Kali is with the tree. Last year, she was only 2 months old for Christmas and the tree really didn't mean anything to her.  But this year, I bet she's going to love the lights! YAY!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!  Christmas tree pictures are soon to come! :)

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