Saturday, January 21, 2012

PaRk FuN!!!

We have a park a few blocks away from the house.  Actually, we have 2 parks that are within walking distance from our house! We love it!!!  Kali has recently started loving parks and swings and slides and running around and collecting sand/acorns/leaves! 

Loving the swings

I love her face in this picture! :)

Cheesing in her sunglasses!

Climbing, climbing, climbing!!!

Swinging with Daddy.

She's getting so big!!  And she's already 15 months old.  We had her 15 month appointment last week and she is growing, growing, growing!!
Height: 32.5 (100%); Weight: 26lb (88%); and Head: 18.2in (62%).
I think she's going to be tall...or at least, I hope she's going to be tall! She's really starting to thin out and look less like a baby and more like a toddler! I can't believe how big she's getting!
Alright...I'm going to go cry now. 

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