Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been so busy lately, that I haven't had time to blog.  Sheesh, I hate how life gets in the way of my social things! :)

Anyway. We had a great Easter weekend.  TJ's sister Debbie came in town which is always fun! We had an Easter egg hunt with the boys (really they're getting to be men, 17 & 20) and Kali got to participate with the biggest kid of all...her daddy!  But she loved it.

TJ and I attended a friend's wedding on Saturday and left Kali with Debbie.  It was nice to be just "us" for a night.  We had a great time too. 

Easter Sunday, we went to church with TJ's family and were stopped no less than 100 times by all the woman of the church to see how adorable Kali was.  And she was hamming it up for them too! She's started reaching for people.  At first, I thought it was just something she did for people that she knows...but apparently she'll do it to anyone that will dote over her and wants to hug and kiss on her.  (We'll have to teach her "Stranger Danger" later in life I'm sure).  But those ladies at the church just loved her.  And she was so good while in church too.  When we first sat down and the choir started singing, she was staring at them. Looking around people's heads to get a better view.  I wish I had my camera at that point.  But I didn't think that I would need my camera inside the church, so I didn't bring it.  Lesson learned, always have a camera on hand at all times.  You never know when Kali will be uber adorable.

After church, we of course at the traditional Ham at TJ's parent's house.  TJ and I got to take a wonderful long nap while the grandparents tended to Kali.  I think that's the first nap I've had since Kali was 3 weeks old!! :)  Bliss I tell ya.

OK, now for the reason that you actually visit my blog: Pictures of Kali!! =)

Kali waiting while the eggs were being hidden

Kali and her daddy ready to go hunt some eggs

Junior was helping :)

Everyone hunting eggs

It's hard to get a dog and a kid to look at the camera at the same time!

The Grand kids
Christopher, Kali, and Alec

"Who me?"

Me and my Bebe


Opening her Easter baskets

And for fun: TJ and I at the wedding on Saturday

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy Weekend for Mom

This weekend I decided to try my hand at making my own baby food for Kali.  TJ went to Winn Dixie and bought us some Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, and Avocados for me to get started. 

I set myself up on the Wholesome Babyfood website and read up on how to prepare these yummy foods for my monster.  I also bought These containers from Amazon to get me on the right track.  I like to be prepared, can you tell?!

I started with the Avocados on Friday.  (I'm a bad blogger and totally didn't take any pictures of me making this food...yes, yes, yes - I suck and I know it)

But, here is the finished product of the Avocado extravaganza:

The containers I bought hadn't come in by the time I was ready to make these (I'm inpatient).
So I just used some ice trays that I already had.  They make 1 oz servings, which is perfect for the avocados, since I didn't know if she would like them or not.  All that I made came from only 2 avocados.

12- 1oz cubes of Avocados

I have found that Kali hates my Magic Bullet.  Unless there is something majorly distracting her, she breaks out in full on ugly cry when I turn it on.  Pretty funny to me, since as soon as I turn it off she smiles at me.  So I tried to make it while she was hanging out with TJ or sleeping.  All of my other trials turned out alright and only 1 more crying spell occurred during the weekend of food making.  But all is well with the little monster once again.  And I'm sure she'll appreciate the noisy machine once she realizes it makes the super yummy food she's been eating!!! :)

I gave her the avocados Saturday for lunch.  They were a little thick for her.  So today, when I gave them to her for dinner, I mixed it with some apples.  She seemed to love the mixture and ate it all.  So we've found a winner. :)

Next on my list of things to do were some carrots.  TJ assisted me with this little adventure (thankfully, because Kali is back to teething and not napping well).  I cleaned and peeled the carrots, TJ cut them (with our Pampered Chef handy-dandy chopper) and then we steamed them.  Didn't take long before they were soft enough to puree. 

Got them done, and they look yummy (if you like bland carrots...)

7- 2oz cubes of frozen carrots
All this came from about 5 carrots.  I still have plenty more of them that I'll make later this week for our stash!

Then, I made the sweet potatoes.  Bake for 60 minutes, then scoop out and puree.  Easy Peasy.  This time, I remembered to photograph the process.  Yay me! Better late than never...

BAKE at 410 for 60 minutes:

4 sweet potatoes =)
Scoop out the "meat" into a bowl:


Puree until smooth:

Handy dandy Magic Bullet (well the JC Penny version, but worked just as well)

Scoop into containers to freeze:

All 12 ready to put in the freezer:

(Don't mind the spilt sweet potatoes in the corner)

I still had a little bit let over.  So I pureed it and put it in the fridge.  Once these are good and frozen, I'll put them into a plastic bag (labeled with what it is and the date I made it-since you're supposed to use it from 1-3 months) and freeze the rest.  So from the 4 sweet potatoes, I will get about 16-2oz containers.  YAY!!!

I'm so glad that I decided to do this.  It's so easy to do.  Plus it's inexpensive, and more nutritious for Kali. 
I did want to do some apples for her.  But after reading the Wholesome Babyfood website, I saw that I could purchase Natural applesauce from the grocery store and freeze it just the same.  As long as the ingredients were only apples and water.  So I found some at Target and got them freezing.  One large jar was about $2.69 at target and made 3 trays, which is 48-1oz cubes.  That's 48 servings!!!!!  That's a lot of applesauce!!! =)  And considering that you can buy the 2.5 oz containers of Gerber babyfood for about $1 for 2 containers, I'd say I saved some money! 

Now I just need some pictures of Kali trying all these yummy foods and I'll be set!! =)
All in all, great, productive weekend!
Avocados, Carrots, and Applesauce

Fun in the Sun

It's finally been warm enough for us to enjoy some fun in the sun!! I mentioned earlier how I bought Kali This Whale Pool from Target.  We love it! Cushiony on the outside in case she wants to fling herself backwards (which she's done a few times) and holds enough water for her to kick and splash without soaking everything and everyone around her.  And now that she's sitting up by herself, she loves it even more.

Last weekend, we tested it out to see how she would like it.

Trying out the pool for the first time.

Not too sure about it

Finally having some fun

And then this weekend, I got her all set to go have fun in the sun!  Sunblock - CHECK; Bathing suit - CHECK; Awesome Hat - CHECK; Super Cool Sunglasses - CHECK.  Time to head out in the pool!!!

Super cool dude


Splish Splashing

Trying to grab the camera

Splashing in the pool:

I can't wait to be able to take her out to the lake and see her in the real water. =)

Monday, April 11, 2011

6 Whole Months!

Kali turned 6 months yesterday! I can't believe that my little monster is 6 months old.  Feels like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. (I'm probably going to be saying that a lot, huh??) 

Since we signed up for the Olan Mills "Watch Me Grow" program when we initially went in November for her 2 months/Christmas pictures, I said that I was going to take Kali to get her pictures done every month...well that didn't happen! So I made sure to take her for her 6 month pictures.  I guess we'll do 2months, 6months, 9 months, and then 1 year, and 1 set of family pictures instead.  Oh well......

BUT, the pictures we had taken on Sunday came out AMAZING!!!!!  I'm so pleased with them.  Now that Kali is sitting up all by herself, she just seems to be happier and ok with the camera.  I brought her a 6 month outfit, and then her Easter dress that her Aunt Debbie got her.  They all came out so cute!

So here are some of my favorites.  Sorry for picture overload, but they're awesome!

This was the VERY FIRST picture taken!
And it's my absolute favorite!!!


I love this one! She is always playing with her hands like that.
And I love her smile!

Do you see those toes?! LOVE

She loves to play with her feets

Easter Dress!
She kept trying to eat those finally I took them out of the basket

She's like "Why'd you take my toys away??"


Look at those bunny butts! And I totally heart the bow!

Do you see my bloomers?!

My little bunny
She still wanted to show off her bloomers I guess! HAHA

And she was able to make a new friend: The Bunny.
I think she liked it because it wasn't running away like Junior does now.

I can't believe that she is 6 months old! I'm not sure where my baby went.

6 Month Stats:

Weight: Probably about 20lbs.  We have a dr's appointment this Friday, so we'll find out for sure.
Height: Again, I'm not sure.  But you have definitely gotten bigger and taller! You're starting to stretch out of some of your 6 month sleepers.  So I'd guess about 27inches.
Eating: Still taking a 4oz bottle every 3-4 hours, plus eating a veggie almost every night.  We're starting to introduce fruits, but surprisingly you don't like them as much.  But you do like the peaches...sometimes.
So far we've tried: Green Beans, Carrots, Peas, Squash, Prunes (which did not agree with your belly), Sweet Potatoes (your FAVORITE!), Apples, Peaches, and Pears.  I'm also going to start trying to make our own foods.  Daddy went and bought us Avocados, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Carrots, and Plums.  I'm going to attempt to make them this week.  We'll see how that goes =)

Sleep:  You're still in your crib until about 6am.  Then you wake up and either me or daddy will go get you and bring you in the bed with us to snuggle.  It's our favorite part of the morning.  Once we start snuggling, you'll go back to sleep and sleep until about 8am when Papa comes to get you (during the week).  And on the weekends, we can get you to sleep in until almost 9am! You're a great sleeper!!! =)
Accomplishments:  You're officially sitting up on your own. And you're trying to figure out how to go from laying down to sitting up. You're almost there!  You've just started scooting this week.  You can go all around the room by either rolling or scooting! You'll also get up on your knees and kind of rock. Like you know you should be able to crawl.  So that's coming soon too! 
You still babble a lot, and I'm working everyday with you to say Momma.  We've got the "MMmmmm" down from when I feed you, so you're half way there!! =)
You love to laugh, and especially when mommy tickles you.  I absolutely adore your laugh!!!
You still love bath time.  We graduated you up to a big bathtub and you love to splash your little feet, and chew on the duckie!
You also respond to your name now.  So when you're playing with something and I say "Kali" you look at me and smile.  I love it! You also like to play with faces.  Especially when I'm feeding you a bottle.  You'll touch my lips, and cheeks, and nose.  I love how curious you're getting!
You truly are the most amazing thing! And I love you sooo much!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Awww crap!

Kali woke up Saturday morning and decided she was a big girl! I, on the other hand, think not!!  I posted last week about us "practicing" sitting up.  Well Satuday, she decided that it's not that big of a deal and she can do it all by herself now.  Like she's been doing it for months. UGH!

AND THEN, she decided that it would be cool to give mommy a heart attack and get up on all fours like she was about to crawl away.  I almost fell off the couch! I can't believe how big she's getting already! She'll be 6 months old on Sunday.  Where has the time gone? It's already APRIL.  Just yesterday it was January and she was still barely rolling over.  Sad day in my house! Sad day! (Well for mommy anyway)

Tomorrow will be her first day of school, Friday she'll be graduating, next week she'll be graduating college and by the end of the month she'll be getting married...WTH?!?!?!?!?! Make time stop already!

Sitting up like she's been doing it forever!

I want to get to that how can I do this.

Getting closer

Look at me momma!

Her little outfit said "Princess in Training"
and that she is!

Just to teach her a lesson not to grow up anymore (or something like that)
we tasted a lemon

I love her face!

The adventures we have!

And she's officially gotten sick.  TJ and I shared a headcold last week, and apparently we're loving enough to share it with Kali.  So we've been dealing with a little sickling.  But as you can see, that doesn't slow her down!  She's still happy as ever, and active.  Just a little stuffy nose and some coughing.

I did buy her a little bathing suit and Whale Pool that I found at Target.  I can't wait to put her in it!  But since she and I were sick over the weekend, we didn't try it out! But that is coming up this weekend for sure!! Can't wait to see her in her little bathing suit and splashing away in her pool.  =)