Monday, March 19, 2012

Do The...


Kali went Pee Pee in the Potty tonight!!!!!!! 

She has been interested in the potty for a few weeks now, so this past weekend we went to the store and let her pick out her own potty chair.  She picked the one that sang when you made a "deposit". Of course! Something annoying. But, we let her pick it out so that she would be excited about using it. And boy was she.

The first night she didn't want to get off of that thing!  TJ took a picture with his phone from Saturday night when we got it.

Wanting to give Mommy kisses while on the potty.

In case you were wondering, we bought this potty chair from Target.
Fisher Price Princess Potty Stepstool.Opens in a new window
I wanted one that converted to a step stool as well, and this one can come off and sit on the regular potty as well. So far, so good!

Since Saturday, I'd ask her throughout the day if she needed to go potty, to which she would lift her shirt and run to the bathroom.  And we had her sit on it before getting into the bath tub every night. 

Tonight, we got ready for the bath and has her sit on the potty.  I went into the living room while TJ handled the bath.  Next thing I know, I hear the potty music! I go running into the bathroom so excited!  She was so proud that she went potty, and we were cheering and clapping for her too.  I don't think she 100% knows what she's doing, but hey, we're on the right track!
Sitting on the potty!

Kali and Mommy! So proud of my BIG Girl!

Can't believe that my little girl went potty IN the potty at 17 months!  So excited.
And in case you don't know what the "Potty Dance" is - here it is for your viewing pleasure!!!!! :-)

You're welcome. You will now have this song stuck in your head for DaYs!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Boating Season begins!

The weather has been gorgeous lately, so TJ and I decided to take the boat out on it's maiden voyage of the season.  We figured that we'd wait until after Kali's nap so that we could gather everything together while she slept and be ready to go when she woke up.  But, apparently Kali had other plans for us.  She has been waking up when we try to put her down in her crib.  At night, she's so tired that she only cries for about 5 minutes before falling asleep.  But today for her nap, she cried for 10 minutes and showed no signs of going back to sleep. 

Of course, minus a nap, she's a little cranky!  Defiant is probably a better word for it.  So needless to say, I was incredibly frustrated trying to get everything together for us to head out.  BUT, she behaved very well on the boat and actually fell asleep about 3/4 of the way out to the island, in her life jacket! She was so adorable! She slept for about 45 minutes, and then we were able to let her out of the boat and play in the sand! She loves it!!! Loved to sit in the sand and let the water rush up to her.  I can't wait to be able to get out there for a whole day and let her play.  And now that we know she'll sleep on the boat, we won't have to wait until after a nap. 

Our little princess asleep on the boat.

Look at those cheeks!

After she woke up she figured that she would explore the boat.
Seeing what's in the cabin

Trying to get out of the cabin...butt first!

She adores these little purple flip flops I got from Target (for $2.50).
I'm thinking her favorite color is going to be purple. :-)

Snack Time!
I got the Gyro Bowl since she likes to try and pour out her snacks, and brought it along.
It was PERFECT for the boat.  Even with it rocking, her snacks didn't spill!
I'm now a Gyro Bowl believer!


I didn't get any pictures of us on the actual island since we forgot the second anchor and had to wade to shore. I'm too nervous about my clumsy tendencies to bring the camera into the water. But next time for sure! We'll have our dry box and I'll be sure to take pictures.

We stayed for about an hour before heading in.  It was a great lazy trip! And a perfect maiden voyage for us.  I think it might have even been Kali's first trip to Shell Island.  She's been to the beach before, but not sure she's been to the island since the boat was in the shop most of last season.  Definitely going to be something fun for us all to do!!!!!

Me and my Kali-bug on the trip home.
And I'm totally rockin' the Lesband.  Hey, it keeps my hair outta my face! LOL!

I love our beach!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears


TJ, Kali and I went to the ZoO last weekend, and had a blast! Originally, we were going to go to Gulf World Marine Park, but found out it was $27/person.  I just couldn't spend $54 (Kali was free) to go for just a few hours.  But I'm going to look into season passes so we can go more than once and maybe get our money's worth.
Anyway...we decided to go to Zoo World instead! Kali loves critters, and we quickly realized that the monkeys were her favorite.  She would get upset whenever we'd start to leave one of the monkey cages, so we'd have to stand there for a few more minutes, before moving onto the next one.  And luckily, Zoo World has a lot of monkeys. 
We also were there in time to see the Wolf Show where we got to pet a wolf.  It was a great day with beautiful spring weather! Can't wait to do it again now that the weather is nice!  And maybe, we'll get to go out to Gulf World soon.

Now for some pictures my cutie patootie!

In the car on our way to the ZoO!
Sunroof open and Sunglasses on!

First monkey we came to.


The Peacock was in full plume.
The picture doesn't do the colors justice!
He was gorgeous!

Checking out the monkey eating a pine cone.


and Tigers...

and Bears!
OH MY!!! :-)

Waiting for the Wolves.
I can't wait until she OPENS her eyes when she smiles! LOL!
Kali petting a wolf!
His coat was so thick!
And she kept growling at it.

Look at that face! He just wanted his ears scratched!

On to the Petting Zoo.
Kali was NOT having any part of feeding the giraffe.
I think the tongue freaked her out...cause I know it does me!

Poor kiddo!
She fell asleep on the way home clinging to the monkey she picked out in the gift shop.