Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

TJ's nephew, Alec, graduated high school Thursday, May 26th.  So we travelled up to Birmingham to be at his graduation.  We decided to stay the weekend and visit the Birmingham Zoo.  I was so excited!!!  I love zoos, and this would be Kali's first trip to the Zoo.  Friday morning, we got up and got ready to head out on our little adventure.  TJ's parents came with us too.

We had a lot of fun.  Kali didn't get the "hang" of the critters until we were getting ready to leave, but we all had fun anyway.  Her favorite were the "wild cats" in a walk-through exhibit.  She kept touching the glass when the cats would walk by.  And if it was sleeping (as most of the critters in the zoo were since it was so blasted hot), she would just stare at them.  It was pretty funny.

And of course, I got some pictures! :-)

My Safari baby. Ready to tackle the wild critters of the zoo!

Staring at the elephants.

On the Train
Where she dropped her snack container.  When it was over, we told the driver and he told us to hop back on and let him know when we got close to where she dropped it and we could just grab it. 
So, thanks to Kali, we got to ride the train twice! :-)

See....sleeping critters.

This thing scared the mess outta me!
It looked like a dinosaur.
And when I rounded the corner with Kali, I didn't see it at first. And then it popped it's head up. I freaked and wouldn't go any closer to the critter!

Kali was great the whole trip! She sat through the entire graduation and didn't make a single fuss!  However, when we got back to Debbie's house, she was over tired, and couldn't go to sleep. She cried for like 45 minutes.  I felt so bad for her.  But she finally fell asleep and all was well again.

We also went to visit TJ's Aunt and Uncle that live in Silacauga.  They just ate Kali up! She's such a ham!  I left my camera in the car while we were visiting for a few hours, but TJ's mom got some good pictures.  I'll have to update when I get those from her.

Finally, we went to Shipwreck on Monday.  Kali's first trip to Shipwreck Island.  She had so much fun! She's definitely a water baby!  Because she's a water baby, she splashes non stop.  So I didn't get many pictures while we were there. But I did get some cute ones.

Kali, ready to start swimming!

Me and the baby! Her first time in the water.
(Please don't mind how horrible I look.....I'm working on it)

Playing in the water.
And of course, tasting some of it too.

Kali, Hayley, and Ava.

Playing with Dad

And finally, nap time!

We had a really great time!  I'm glad we were able to go! She did get a little sunburned on her back, even though I lathered her 2 times with sunscreen.  But it's not too bad, so hopefully it won't bother her.  Didn't seem to last night, but I think that was mainly exhaustion! LOL.

I can't wait to be able to go back after Kali's swim lessons with my dad this summer! She's going to be a little fishy! =)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Birthday

My 27th Birthday was last week (May 18th if you care).  I have some of the best friends in the world! (Jennifer, Lauren, Theresa, Holly~I'm talking about ya'll here!!!!!!!!) They're there for you through everything and can always talk me off a ledge (which happens very often!).  The only thing I asked for was Sorrelli earrings.  I have always loved Sorrelli jewelry, but it's kinda expensive.  And I'd much rather buy something for Kali, then spend any money on me (now this whole scenario would be completely different if I was writing this a year and half ago...but this is my life now!).  So I asked the girls for something that I knew I would never get myself.  And they did NOT disappoint!  Thankfully, Plum Delightful was having a 15% off sale on their Sorrelli jewelry! Which means SCORE for me! Instead of getting one or two pieces, I got THREE!!!!!! (Again, did I mention how wonderful my friends are?!)

I got this BEAUTIFUL necklace and these Fantastic earrings in Running Water:

And they got me these earrings too (also in Running Water)!!
AND THEN...I got this Bling Blaow Bligity Ring from my friend Dallas (in Snow Bunny):
 It's sparkly!!!!!

TJ planned our family dinner with both sets of parents on Tuesday night.  At first it was going to be at Olive Garden, but I had a hankerin' for TGIFridays...so we went there instead! :-)
My mom and dad got me a gift card for Barnes and Nobles!!! YAY!!!!!!!! More books! And since I joined a book club, it's even better! :-)
TJ's mom and dad paid for the Baby and Me swim lessons through the Red Cross that I was going to sign Kali and I up for! I'm so excited! She loves the water so much, I can't wait for her to learn how to swim! And it's even better that my dad will be the one to teach us/her.
TJ went above and beyond what I had asked for.  I told him that since he had done so much for me on Mother's Day that all I wanted were a set of the small emerald cut earrings (pictured above-last set of earrings) in any color.  They're only $17 (plus 15% off) at Plum Delightful.  That's all I wanted. I would have been super happy with that.  But instead of only spending $17 (plus 15% off) he gave me $60 in CASH! Woo Hoo!!!!!  This meant that I went to Plum Delightful and spent ONE whole hour there looking at all the sparkly Sorrelli jewelry and trying to pick out which one I wanted.
I finally settled on a pair of earrings from the new Pewter Collection, and a new watch.  The pictures aren't available yet for the new collection on the Sorrelli website, but I took a picture of my presents!!!!

LOVE THEM!!! So I was definitely spoiled this year for my Birthday!
Then over the weekend, TJ finally got the boat back from the shop.  The mechanic said that we had to run it for a few hours to test out the motor to make sure that there were no problems before we put all the seats back in and took Kali for a ride.  So TJ and I bared our burden and took the boat out on Sunday afternoon.  It was so nice! We took it around Deer Point lake and just drove around, then found a spot in the middle and floated.  I brought my Nook and read some of my book (The Maze Runner-May Book Club book!!). It was so nice and peaceful.

And then THIS weekend we are headed up to Birmingham for Alec's high school graduation.  And while we're there...we're taking Kali to the Zoo!!! I'm so freaking excited.  I love zoos.  I go to one in every town we visit. And as many times as we've been to Birmingham, I've never gotten to visit the zoo.  So we're making a plan to go! Can't wait to get some great pictures of Kali with the critters!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kali's Bunny

I don't normally like to post more than once a day.  But since Blogger was down last week, I didn't get to post these.  So, here's another one for you!

 My Aunt Kathy was down from North Carolina to see my Dad's play.  This was the first time she got to meet Kali.  And Kali loved her (of course).  She came bearing gifts too! I bunny lovie.  Kali took to it immediately. And now, she doesn't go to sleep without it! She's so adorable cuddled up next to it!  She'll rub it's ears while she's drinking her bedtime bottle, and then will have a firm grasp on it when I lay her down.  She just loves that thing.  Well why wouldn't she?!  It's super soft, has ears and hands that she can chew on, and its fluffy.  Heck...now I want one for me! =)

Kali and her bunny
Firmly holding onto the bunny

Now for some random pictures:

My kids: Kali and Junior
(she was trying to hold/chew on his foot-I had to distract her with the camera to save poor Junior)
at lunch on Mother's Day

Happy 7 MONTHS!

I tried to write this last week, but Blogger was down.  So...here it is, a week late. =)

I can't believe the title! I know, I know.  I say this every month.  BUT, I have a 7 month old! And she's all over the place! She hasn't officially started 'crawling', but she's pretty dang fast at her little Army crawl thing she's got going on!

Here are her 7 month pictures and stats:

7 months old!!

Now that picture time is over...it's time to DESTROY the sign!

I love this face! She was loving the sound of the crinkle of the paper.

And then promptly tried to eat it!

MAN...she looks like her daddy (with my cheeks and lips)
But those eyes own me!

7 Month Stats:

Weight: About 20lbs.  

Height: Not grown much taller than 6 months, so probably still at about 27 inches

Eating: Still taking a 4oz bottle every 3-4 hours.  We just started doing 3 meals per day.  You get fruit & oatmeal in the morning, a veggie and a little fruit for lunch, then yogurt and veggie at dinner.  You've been doing great with it. But we have come to the conclusion that you hate...and I mean HATE...Green beans.  You make the funniest face and refuse to swallow it. 

You've been doing great on the food that I've made for you.  So that makes me super happy to be able to provide you with fresh, tasty food.  Plus we get some different foods then what comes in those Gerber Containers.

We did have one scare when you broke out in a little rash on your stomach and was having some bouts with a diaper rash.  But looks like we got that all cleared up.  Still not 100% sure what caused it initially, but we'll figure it out.

Sleep:  You're still a GREAT sleeper! Bedtime is about 8:30pm.  And if we're not at home, I know exactly when 8:20pm comes around because you start to get a little fussy and ready for the nighttime routine.  But it works out well, because I'd rather be at the house when it's your bedtime anyway.

Accomplishments:  You're crawling all over the place.  Well not really "crawling" on hands and knees,
but you pull yourself everywhere.  And you're pretty fast at it.  So I can't imagine how it's going to be when you actually start crawling.
We're starting to have to teach you the word "NO".  You like to go for things that you know you're not supposed to (I'm pretty sure you get that from your daddy!!!!), and so we'll tell you "no".  You get 3 chances and then we'll take it away (or remove you).  Once we take it away or sternly say "No", you give us the pouty face and start to cry.  It's pretty funny though. 
You've started talking some too. Your first word was Mama!!! (I'm so proud. Although I've been working on it with you since you were about 3 days old!)  You started off saying it when you'd cry.  Made my heart smile knowing that you wanted ME when something was wrong.  Now you say it more often.  You can also say "Baba" (I think it's referring to your bottle because you say it the most when you're hungry).  And of course, you're still growling! Which is the cutest thing ever! I call you my Monster all the time, and some people will ask me why, and I say because you make a monster sound.  You don't do it on cue (which I wish you would so people don't think I'm crazy for calling you Monster), but you do it all the time.  Especially if you're happy about something.  It's so hard to get on video, because you do it randomly.  But one day I'll get it! 
You have taken a HUGE interest in Junior. When you see him, you make a beeline for him.  He's pretty tolerable of you, but most of the time he tries to move away.  When I'm holding you, he'll let you pet him (read as: beating on him with your hands and feet). 
You have also taken a weird obsession with feet/shoes.  If there are a pair of shoes lying around, you're headed towards them.  You'll hold it for a minute, and then of course you try to put it in your mouth.  (That's a situation where you get told NO and start to pout)  If you see someone's feet within reach, you'll crawl over and start to play with them.  And then again, attempt to put a toe in your mouth.  Because you have to taste everything.  Just to check the quality ;-)
Last, you're starting to master to pincer grasp.  I can hand you something small and you grab it with your finger and thumb.  I've given you Gerber Puffs and you seem to like them and are able to put it in your mouth by yourself.  We'll have to start trying some table food soon!

You're so curious, and it's so amazing to watch you learn and grow! I'm so lucky to have you in my life! I love you more than anything!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day

I had the best first Mother's Day, thanks to TJ and Kali! TJ let me sleep in (WONDERFUL!!!!) and when I got up he was making breakfast (eggs, bacon, and toast Mmmmm).  He had my present sitting on the table for me: A NEW PURSE! I love it!!! (of course I don't have a picture of it, cause I'm a slacker.  But I will, eventually)  And inside the purse was.......the new Adele CD and a gift card to Starbucks! I was so excited.  I'm slowly but surely on my way to GOLD status with Starbucks!!

We were lazy most of the morning, but Kali refused to take a nap.  I think she knew it was Mother's Day and just wanted to spend the time with me.  Or something like that.

When I did finally get her to take a nap, it was only about 1 hour before it was time for us to meet TJ's parents for lunch at the Mexican Restaurant where we told them we were pregnant (thought it was appropriate).

She did so good.  She's now sitting in a highchair and eating some finger foods. I had some sliced avocado, and I gave her a little piece to chew on. Although she wasn't too sure about it, she's getting the idea.

I sure do love that kid! I'm so blessed to be able to have this Mother's Day thanks to TJ and Kali! As I was putting her to sleep, I just stared at her.  Its amazing how different my life is today than what it was this time last year, and even more different than the year before. 

Being a mother is the toughest job that I absolutely love! I can't wait to see her in the morning, I race to get her as soon as I get off work, and love rocking her to sleep every night.  She's so wonderful and I adore her!  She's the best gift that TJ ever gave me!!! =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Beach Day!

This past weekend, we were able to head over to Mexico Beach (to the East of Panama City, about 45 minutes away - and a whole lot less crowded than our Panama City Beach beaches!!!!!) where a friend had a condo for the weekend.  We had a blast.

Although I'm still hobbling around on a hurt knee, I just couldn't deny Kali her first trip to the beach.  So I 'suffered' through for her! ;-)

Travis and Trevor were taking a nap when we got there, so we decided to head to the pool first.  Now, Kali has had some fun in her little whale pool, but we've not ventured into a REAL pool.  She loved it! Kicked her little feet like she was on a mission to go somewhere.  She even moved our little float around once I stopped treading water.

I got in the pool with her first (and our little joint floaty - LOVE) thinking that the water exercise would be good for my knee.  While I'm sure it was good for my knee...it hurt like !&)dfg#%)(sdg(&!)&asds*)*&@()sdf*)#(^%iulhkj the devil. So I only lasted about 15 minutes before waving the white flag and tapping out. So then TJ got in with her.  She just loved it and had so much fun. 

Then, after the boys woke up, we all headed across the street to the beach.  Let me tell you just how nice it is to be able to WALK less than 50 yards and be on the beach.  It's nothing like PCB.  Mexico Beach is quiet, and serene.  There were people flying kites, and fishing from the shore, and there were shells galore for the kids to play with (and Travis tried to take about 1,000 of them home with him).  It was even so nice and quiet, that TJ and Kali fell asleep for about 20 minutes.  Peaceful!  I don't think I'll be going to PCB anytime soon, unless it's the island on our boat.  Mexico Beach is the way to go, for sure!!

Anyway....back to pictures:

TJ and Kali at the beach.
I love her smile in this picture!!

Her feet in the water for the first time.

Splish Splash

She didn't love it. 
(I think she gets that from her mom.  I don't like the salt water either) 
This is about the time she looked up at me like
"Ok, that was fun...moving on"
So then we played in the sand and let her nap.

My little beach bums napping

KALI at the Beach =)
She was so interested in the water and the waves that there was no getting her to look at the camera. 
So I just went with it. :-)

She's got her toes in the sand

I love her

So, that was our wonderful day at the beach.
If anyone wants any information about the condo my friend rented (2 bedroom 2 full bath, full kitchen, balcony overlooking an inlet, boatslip, and pool access.  All across the street from the beach (literally about 50 yard walk to the beach)) please let me know and I'll forward you the information.  It truely was wonderful.  And this comes from someone who has lived near a beach for almost all of my life.  And I rarely go to our beach just for fun. It's gotta be for something that I have to be at in order to make me go.