Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And Summer Begins...

Summer has started and that means Trips to the Beach and Fun in the Sun!  Kali has had more pool time than I have (and I'm totally jealous!!!!!!!) thanks to Mema and Papa! Their neighbor has a pool and lets them use it whenever they want.  So Kali gets to enjoy the pool too! Lucky kid!

She was digging in the sand with her feet. 
And then she was really interested in the ocean.

Toes in the water!
I tried to let her feel the water since she was interested. 
She was not having it!
She didn't like the water, and only wanted me to hold her so she could look at the water.

Ashley, Addison, Kali and Me
Rosemary Beach
June 2011

I had to get a picture of our toes in the sand. I love it!!

Kali enjoying some pool-time with Mema and Papa

My little stinker

I love this picture of her. :-)

My sister and nephews are in town for a few weeks before they get shipped off to California for 3 years (gotta love the Navy).  I was so excited since Katrin and the boys haven't been able to see Kali since Christmas. 
Katrin walked in the door and immediately wanted to hold Kali (of course).  Kali was sceptical at first, but then warmed up....until Devin walked in.  Then she wanted nothing more to do with Katrin and wanted to play with Devin. 

This was on Father's Day at my parent's house. 
She played with Devin most of the day!

He drove her all around the house in her little car.
Devin got exercise and Kali got to relax! HAHA

Then the dogs went outside and Kali apparently wanted to go too...
She was licking the glass.  Yup, that's TJ's kid right there! :-)

And you can see her Navy Princess outfit! Katrin and Don got it for her and she's just now able to wear it.  It's the new Digital Camo.  She looked so cute in it.

On a side note: I got to go to a KEITH URBAN CONCERT!!! In case you didn't know...I LOVE Keith Urban.  He's a great performer, has awesome songs, and makes pretty babies! ;-)
I've seen him in concert about 6 times.  Anytime he comes within a 5 hour drive of Panama City, I'm there!  This time was in Biloxi.  So me, Lauren, Theresa, JD, Dallas, Holly and Mike all piled into Dallas's Escalade (yes, we were riding in style) and drove the 4 hours to Biloxi.  Stayed at the Beau Rivage and went to his amazing concert!
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Theresa and Dallas.           And Me and Lauren

Theresa, Holly, Lauren, Dallas, and Me
(With a little JD on the side)

Starting off the concert! AMAZING

Then...he came down to the middle the floor, and this is how close we got to him.
No zoom for this picture! :-)
It was so awesome. 

Close ups that were on a projector on stage.
Lauren told me to take a picture of a man at the door with flowers, cause we'll never see that in real life! LOL

It was a great trip.  But with this bunch of folks, there is always "fun" to be had.  I thought that I'd get some good sleep being away from Kali's nighttime wakings...but nope.  I just had different kids to take care of! But I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Great memories anytime I get together with friends. And plenty of bathtub stories to go around! HAHHAHAHA

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Toys are FUN!

Since Kali has decided that she's going to be pulling up on EVERYTHING and attempting to walk, I got her This Walker for the house.  And of course, because she is her mother's daughter...she took right to the phone that comes off and rattles.  But, she was able to pull herself up on it and walk around (until it got stuck at her jumperoo and wouldn't go forward...then she just stood there playing with it).  AND, since I earned $15 in Amazon gift cards through Swagbucks, it only cost me $15ish!!!  I love those earning sites where I basically don't have to do anything (other than search the internet which I do anyway) in order to get stuff for FREE! 
Anyhoo...back to Kali and her new toy!  She loves it! And I love that she loves it!! :-)  So here are some pictures of her with her new toy, and a video from the other night when she was pulling up.  In the video you can also see her other "tricks" where she coughs when you ask her "Do you have a bad cough?", and she claps when you say "Yay".  She's so adorable! I love all the things she learns, and she never ceases to amaze me!! :-)

Playing with the phone

Figuring out what all the little buttons do


Me and my Monster (with her Blue Steel impression)

Monday, June 13, 2011

8 Months

Kali is officially 8 months old. And she's proving to me daily how big she's getting! I got her 8 month pictures taken in 2 days. The first set was actually on 6/10, right after her bath, in her jammies. Then we did a better shoot Saturday (6/11) in a nice outfit. :-) Here ya go:

In her jammies, ready for bed. But still cute
Trying to get to the sign. 
She was so proud of herself for getting it down.
Saturday 6/11/11
Happy 8 month old
She wouldn't let go of that bracelet.

Again...must eat sign

So happy that I let her have the sign

And then she destroyed it!

8 Month Stats:

Weight: About 22lbs.

Height: Maybe about 28 inches.  It's so hard to gauge growth like that. Cause you don't seem much bigger than you were at 6 months, but I know you've grown for sure!

Eating: Still taking a 4oz bottle every 3-4 hours and 3 meals per day. We just started giving you some meats to try out this past weekend.  You seem to like them, as long as their pureed.  I have tried to give you some table food, but I don't think you like the texture of them.  We've also tried to give you mashed potatoes in lots of different ways: mashed with butter and milk; mashed with butter and ranch dressing; plain mashed; plain right out of the potatoe...and yet you still don't like it at all!  I'm thinking that once french fries come into your diet, that you'll change your mind about those plain potatoes!

Sleep: I think you've been teething lately, because you're not doing so well on sleep.  Bedtime starts at 8pm and you're normally asleep by 9 at the latest.  You fall asleep great, but wake up around midnight -1am, and then sometimes again at 3am.  I think it's just cause you want to snuggle with mommy (at least that's what I'm telling myself!!) :-)

Accomplishments: You're still crawling all over the place and have recently started to actually CRAWL.  Mainly you crawl on hands and knees on the hardwood floor, but as soon as you make it to carpet, you're back on your tummy in your army crawl.  You've also started to pull up on the couch and my pants.  And you can take a few steps while holding onto our hands.  You're going to be walking before we know it!!
You can say Mama, Baba, Byby (which sounds similar to baba, but it's when you're saying BYE), and Or/ior (when you're talking to Junior).  You still growl (my little Monster), and screech. I love all your sounds!
You have mastered the pincer grasp and are able to feed yourself.  You can handle the Puffs really well, and even ate some spaghetti the other night for dinner (a lot more was found in your lap than your mouth, but you enjoyed it for sure!).
You've also started to give KISSES!!! I love it! You'll lean into someone with your mouth open and want a kiss.  And I can even ask you for a kiss and you'll lean in! It's the cutest thing in the whole wide world! I LOVE IT!!!
You can clap your hands when someone says "Yay" or when you've done something you like.  And you do this "windmill" thing when you get super excited where you spin your arms in a circle. Cute cute!

I adore you! I love you to pieces! You're the best thing that has ever happened in my entire life!
I love you Monster!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

From Crawling to Standing

Kali just learned how to sit herself up, and now she's learned how to pull herself up onto things. She had been trying when she crawled over to my legs, she'd attempt to pull up on my pants. But was never successful at it. But this weekend, she figured out how to pull up on the automan at Mema and Papa's house, how to pull up on the couch at our house, AND THEN:

How to pull up in her crib!! This is how I found her when she woke up from her nap Sunday morning.

It's crazy how quickly she learns things. It seems that when she puts her mind to something, she's going to accomplish it within days! Also, on Sunday I was getting ready to go and had her in my room playing. She started to crawl away, and I said "Kali, when you leave you have to say Bye-Bye". She turned and looked at me and I swear she said "By" and crawled away. It was the cutest thing, and of course I can't get her to do it on camera... She's also trying to say Junior, but it comes out "oh". But she says it only when she's looking at him. It's so cute!
She never ceases to amaze me!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Kali has figured out how to give kisses!!! She was doing it earlier this week, but with the expression like she didn't know what was going on. THEN, this morning when she woke up I said "Can Mommy have good morning kisses?" And she leaned into me and gave me a kiss!! It was the best morning sugars I've ever had! I tried to get a picture, but she was more interested in playing with my phone, then letting me take the picture. But I will get one! :-)

I was going to upload some pictures that TJ's mom sent me from our weekend in Birmingham...but Blogger is being stupid. So I'll try again Monday! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random Cuteness

I really like to do these random cuteness pictures.  Cause there's nothing better than looking at adorable baby pictures, right?! RIGHT?! Good answer! :-)

So here we go...

Playing in the bathtub with all her bubbles. 

 Learning how to sit up from crawling (laying down).
She normally just lays on her side instead of sitting up, but on Wednesday, May 25th, she figured out how to sit herself back up!
She's so smart...not that I'm bragging or anything. Well maybe a little.

This was at Alec's graduation in Birmingham.  TJ caught the perfect picture of her giving him the "stink-eye"!
She looks so sewious. :-)
At Debbie's house.  She kept getting told NO when she went to play with the blinds.  She would reach out, someone would say no, she'd stop, then reach out again.  I kept telling her "no", but whenever she'd turn away, I'd crack up laughing.  She's such a stinker.
Plus, I loved that her name is on her butt!!!!! (Thanks Aunt Debbie!) 

Playing on the steps at Mema and Papa's house.  Trying to figure out how to get over that step. 

 "Hmmm. I know I can get into the kitchen somehow."  "Sigh".

"Maybe if I look cute, they'll just pick me up instead of taking pictures of me."  "CHEESE" :-)

*And just a side note, yesterday (June 1st) she figured out how to get over this step! Smart I tell ya!