Monday, February 28, 2011

Auction for a Good Cause

If you follow my blog, you know that I'm apparently addicted to reading blogs from family's of loss (again, the reason why eludes me.  But I'm going with it).  There is a family that recently (February 17, 2011) lost their 4mo old little girl Maddie, apparently to SIDS (still under investigation).  You can see their blog here - Staats Family.

There is a lady on Facebook (see her page Here) that is holding an auction (Tiny Wings Auction) and the proceeds will go to the Staats family.  The Auction starts today (February 28, 2011) at noon and lasts until Thursday (March 3, 2011).  You can look at all the wonderful things that are available on her Facebook page Here and Here.  You can see how the auction will work Here.  I'm so excited for this auction! 1) Because I get to buy adorable things for Kali and 2) It is helping to support a wonderful family who lost Maddie too soon!

So please, go check out Polka Dot Junkie and their Tiny Wings Auction for little Maddie.  Be sure to bid on at least ONE item please.  You'll be getting something unique and adorable and be helping a family out.  Thanks!!!

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Day 25-Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

I was going to say "Lucky for you I actually have my iPod with me today"...but then when I took it out of my purse to do this wonderful challenge (WOO HOO only 5 more days of this!!), my iPod is dead. :(
So I'll put my Music player on my computer on Random and see what happens...

Reckless Abandon - Blink 182
Roller Coaster - Blink 182
Mine - Taylor Swift
Long Hot Summer -  Keith Urban
Come On, Come On - Billy Idol
Hanging on the Telephone - Blondie
Small Ya'll - Kenny Chesney
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Blues at Sunrise - BB King
Got Me Wrong - Alice in Chains

Yes, yes...I'm diverse ;)
But my iPod has WAYYY better tunes. Oh well

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Friday, February 25, 2011

My Dad is the best!

When I was little my dad would read me a bedtimes story every.single.night.  It was my favorite part of the day!  My dad is a character for sure! And in every story he read, each character would have his own voice.  So it was like watching a play on pages! Can you say AWESOME?!?!?!

My sister bought Kali a bunch of books for Christmas and just cause she loves her (I mean who wouldn't?).  And one was "The Monster at the End of the Book"
The Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street) [Book]

It stars Grover from Sesame Street (again...AWESOME).  My dad does the BEST Grover voice! Right next to the guy that ACTUALLY does Grover's voice. :)
Yesterday my mom watched Kali while I was at work.  Then I had a meeting after work, so we put a roast in the crock pot and we were all going to eat when I got home.  My dad even came over! WOO HOO. 

It came time for Kali's bedtime.  And every night, I read her a story.  I got all giddy when I realized that my Dad was here when it was bedtime! So I begged (and I do mean begged) him to read her the story.  For someone who is in theater and barbershop and all things theatrical for an audience, he sure is hard to convince to do a "private" show! LOL. 
But after Kali gave him her "but I wanna story" eyes, he agreed.  Kali loved it! Right up until the end when she was too hungry to focus on a book....but I loved it!!!!!!! :)
And I told my Dad and Katrin that I wasn't going to read her this book until Dad now I can add it into the rotation.  Have I mentioned I love this book?! Cause I do, I really do!!!!

"What did that say? There is a Monster at the end of this book??"

I adore her face in this picture! She was so into it

Can't lie...I was into it too! :)
And forgive the "I just rolled outta bed" look. 
It was a long day and I was exhausted and just wanted to get comfy!!!

If you haven't read that book before...YOU MUST BUY IT! Here...I'll help ya out: Purchase Here
Can't wait to be able to read this book again for me Kali. I She is going to love it! :)


Day 24-Something you've learned

The main thing I've learned lately is patience.  With TJ, I would go from 0-60 really easily.  If he didn't do something, or if he did something he wasn't supposed to, etc.  But after having Kali, I have definitely learned to pick my battles carefully and not jump at the first 'wrong' thing he does (or doesn't do).  That has been a huge learning process for me.  It started when I was in my last trimester.  I didn't want to be "that" woman that was all hormonal and stuff.  So I just learned to let things roll off my back.

I think I've become more mellow too, which is nice. Considering I was pretty high-strung before.  Someone asked me recently what I do to relax. And for the life of me I couldn't think of anything that I do simply to relax.  I read (on my Nook which is fabulous), but if something has to be done I put it down and do it.  I shop, but dang sometimes that's more stressful than relaxing.  I hang out with friends, but with Kali now-a-days that's not as relaxing either.  I've had to see a chiropractor because I'm even tense when I sleep. HAHA

So I've learned to be more patient and relax.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 23-Favorite vacation

My favorite vacation would have to be when I went to visit my sister in VA in 2009.  Before I headed up there, she sent my nephews down here to spend some time with us.  We went to Lake Eufala in Alabama, and went to Shell Island (here in Panama City) and a bunch of other stuff.
Then when I went up to VA, we took a trip to Washington DC and got to see all the museums and statues, etc.  It was awesome and I can't wait to go back there.  I also got to see the Virginia Beach (which of course is no where near as pretty as the white sandy beaches of Panama City, FL...but they were still nice).  I had such a great time going up to visit and getting away from home!
Now my sister is getting stationed in California and I can't wait to go visit there.  When I was little we lived in Southern California and I remember going to the Wild Animal Park, and Disney World, and Notts Berry Farms.  I am really looking forward to taking Kali to all of those places as well.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 22-Favorite city

So far I think my favorite city would be Cozumel, Mexico.  TJ and I went on a cruise to Mexico for our Honeymoon.  The water is Beautiful and crystal clear, and the shopping is so much fun (I'm sure it's just for the tourists) and they have Carlos & Charlies (where I got a Birthday shot!!)  The best part was that TJ and I were there with our closest friends! There is no stress in Mexico!!!  There is no WORK in Mexico!!! There is no other FAMILY in Mexico!!! There is just peace, and quiet, and do what you want kinda of atmosphere.  Plus, going a cruise is awesome in and of itself. So what's not to like?

Here is TJ and I on the ship.  I can't find the pictures from the cruise for some reason. But I have a gorgeous picture of the water from the boat in Cozumel.  The prettiest blue you could ever think of! :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Weekend

We had so much fun this weekend.  And I have so many pictures to prove it!! :)
The weather has been beautiful, so we decided to head for some walks around the neighborhood. 
On Friday, we took a short walk around our lake.  It was nice, and of course Kali loved it.

She woke up from her nap while we were walking, and then just wanted to look around at everything.

And she is finally starting to really enjoy her jumperoo.
Caught some good smiles as she was playing.

On Saturday, TJ had to work all day.  We went to lunch at Olive Garden for my Grandma's 75th Bday.  Kali was dressed in the cutest pink Polo dress with her adorable pink and green bow.  But did Mom get a picture of that cuteness?  Heck no! So we're going to have to wear it all over again this weekend and be sure to take some pictures!!!
But we did eat some carrots!!!! :)
Since she has been on solid foods (well baby pureed), she has had peas and carrots.
She didn't really care for the peas all that much, but seemed to love the carrots.
As you can tell by how much is on her face, hands, and highchair tray. :)

TJ's Aunt Roberta got this onesie for us.   
Mommy was hoping for #5 on that playlist (Nap), but it didn't happen.
And she was also sporting her BabyLegs

And this is Mommy's favorite part of the day. 
I love snuggling this baby!!!!

Sunday was so pretty out! So after doing some cleaning around the house and laundry, we decided to go on a walk to the park which is about 5 blocks from the house.  It was super bright outside and both TJ and I had on our sunglasses.  Before we got to the end of the driveway, I remembered that we have some sunglasses for Kali! She was stinkin' adorable in them.  And didn't mess with them at all!
Her future is so BRIGHT! :)

Mommy and Kali on the swings.

The family in our sunglasses!

The whole family, including Junior! :)

Kali wearing Daddy's hat to block out the sun while she was swinging.

We had a great time at the park! I'm so glad that the weather is getting nicer so that we're able to do that more often! And Kali absolutely loves stroller rides.  I'm looking forward to taking her to the Zoo soon, and to the lake.  She loves the bath (I'll post the adorable video I have of her in the bathtub splish-splashing), so I think she'll like swimming too.  I love this age where she's starting to enjoy stuff and becoming interactive! And she's getting a little personality all of her own!
Love my little family!!!!!


Day 21-Picture of yourself

How appropriate that this is today's challenge when I CAN'T POST ANY PICTURES CAUSE THE STUPID BLOGGER IS BROKEN!!! :(
I guess I will just have to edit this when it is eventually working and post a picture of me! I have lots from this weekend (see post below) that I would love to share.........UGH

YAY!! Finally able to upload pictures! Not sure what happened, but so glad it's fixed! :)
Here is a picture of me from our Babymoon to Disney World in May, 2010.

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Dear Blogger

Dear Blogger:
Why can't I add any pictures? This is starting to annoy me.  I have some freaking ADORABLE pictures of Kali from this weekend, and I'm not able to post them.  I keep getting the message:
The feature you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

I just want to put some pictures of Kali with her sunglasses from when we went to the park, and our family picture of all 3 of us in our sunglasses, and when she was in her jumperoo and having fun (an actual smile caught on camera), and her first time on the swing with mommy, and her sleeping on her belly in her crib with her FP Glow worm, and her enjoying her carrots, and, and, and....  Dang it!  I have lots of pictures that I want to share, and you Mr. Blogger are raining on my parade! You better shape up!!!!!

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 20-Nicknames

Since my name is Stephanie, I don't get many nicknames with it.  But different people have given me nicknames that have NOTHING to do with my name :)

My dad calls my Munchkin.  And I've actually started calling Kali this on occasion.  I love it!

My sister calls me Kid.  I think it's cause I'm 9 1/2 years younger than she is, and I AM a kid to her....still.

My mom calls me Steph (I know...original, right?!)

TJ calls me Honey (again...original?!?!)

One of my coworkers (who I love to death!!!!) called me Stephy.

Now, since my name is Stephanie, it is hard for little kids to say.  In my group of close friends we have Lauren (LoLo), Theresa (Tee Tee), Jennifer (Jener), and Holly (Wolly)......and then there's me.  Since a kid can't say Stephanie it's not like they're going to say Steph.  So we had a running joke that Jennifer's oldest son Travis was going to say Calculator before saying Stephanie.  So the joke began that my nickname was Aunt Calculator to him.  Thankfully, he calls me Aunt Steph.  Phew :)

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Downside to tummy sleeping

I've had to change the sheets every morning.  Good thing I have plenty of them, but still.  I got smart yesterday and put more than 1 sheet on there with a liner pad in between.  So this morning, I only had to take the top sheet and the liner off, and VOILA a new sheet is underneath perfectly protected. 

Man...I even amaze myself! :)
But I did get a cute picture of Kali sleeping on her belly, I'll have to post it tomorrow when I'm not on the laptop and able to download the pictures. 

My little tummy sleeper.  With her FP Seahorse :)

Oh, and Kali slept from 10 last night until almost 8:30 this morning! I'm loving this! Let's just hope it lasts, and it's not some growth spurt that has her sleeping longer.  Momma is getting used to the sleep!!!

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tummy Time

Kali has hated tummy time since the day we started trying it out (about 2 weeks old).  She will lay there for a minute, and then start to whine and cry.  It's pretty funny and have I some video of it (I'll post those another day in succession).  Ever since she started rolling over from back to tummy, she will lay there on her stomach for a couple minutes and play, but then she'll look at me with the look of "What the hell? I don't like tummy time!!!"  It's hysterical.  So I'll roll her over, and the process starts over again.  She knows how to roll from tummy to back, but she only does it when she really wants to.

Wednesday night, I laid her down for bed about 9:30pm like normal.  She woke up at about 2:30am and when I walked in there, she was on her stomach.  I flipped out.  Ran into the bedroom and woke TJ up to ask him if he had gotten up with Kali and put her on her tummy.  He said that he hadn't woken up with her so I figured she did it on her own.  When I walked back in there, she was back to I went back to bed too.  She woke up again at 7:15am.  She is apparently a tummy sleep, like her mommy and daddy.

Then Thursday night, TJ put her to bed. He said that he laid her on her tummy and we'll see how she does.  She slept from 9:30pm to 6:15am.  I was so excited!!!!!  I emailed my friend Theresa who works in our pediatrician's office, and asked her what Dr. Albibi's opinion of belly sleeping is.  She said that as long as she can hold her head up and move if she spits up, then she's fine.  Since she's been doing that for months now, I figured that it would be better if she slept on her stomach. 

Last night, I put her down on her stomach at about 10:00pm, she didn't wake up until 8:00am!!!!!!!  Can you say Happy Momma?!?!?!  YES!!!  And she seems to be so much happier as well.  She was great all day yesterday while my mom watched her and took all of her appropriate naps (which she's been fighting for a while).  And today, we have a busy morning.  So I'm crossing my fingers that she'll be good and happy all day!  Plus it's a beautiful day, so maybe a park visit is in order! :)

Alright, it is Kbug's nap time now and I have to get in the shower to start the day! 


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Attached to Mom

Kali has become attached to me when I come home from work. Can't lie, I LOVE it!
Last night, I took ribs out to make for dinner.  And what does that always mean?!  TJ has to work late...
So, as to not throw off the whole world, TJ had to work until about 7:30pm. 
When I got home, Kali didn't want to do anything.  No jumper, no tummy mat, no highchair....she just wanted me to hold her while I was trying to make dinner.  Which is not an easy task!

Recently, I got a Seven Sling and we briefly tried it out when it first came in the mail.  Problem is that I think I need a bigger size.  I got the size 5, but I think I should have gone with a 6.  Cause Kali is kinda a big baby and I kinda have big boobs! :)
So, last night I drug it out.  Tried to put her on my hip while I was cooking.  That worked great for about 5 minutes, until she wanted to touch all the pots! Well, we can't have that.  So I re-adjusted it and laid her down for her bottle.  This is what we looked like (forgive that it's inside out.  Squirmy baby + trying to cook dinner/make a bottle = inside out sling!) :

And of course, it's black and white. I love all things black and white (my wedding, my dog, my closet, my shoes, etc.).  So I love the sling, and can't wait to tote her around the mall in it!  And she even fell asleep in it while I was finishing up, and was able to put her down (slid out of the sling) without waking her up! Can you say FABULOUS?! =)


Day 19-Something you miss

I miss my grandparents. 
My dad's mom (Baba) lived with us for 5+ years.  I was in 9th grade when she passed away.  Other than my uncle (James Earl) she was the first person close to me that passed away. 
We had a love/hate relationship.  She taught piano lessons, and so my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to start playing the piano........I hated it!  I hated to practice, I hated all the other kids coming over to the house and playing with all my stuff (one of her students broke my Nintendo- I was NOT happy), I hated that I was "forced" to do it.  But then one of her students talked to me and said that she also played the flute.  So one day she brought her flute over to the house and showed me how to play.  I was immediately in love!  So in 5th grade, I started to play the flute. 

Normally students don't start playing instruments until 6th grade, so I was ahead of the game.  I was the first in my school to perform at solo/ensemble (which is normally for 7th-8th graders) in 6th grade (and made a superior by the way!!!).  I was the first 7th grader to join the advanced band in middle school, and then all throughout high school I excelled as well.
I contribute my musical talents to my grandmother, Baba! Without her I would have been "normal"! :)

The other grandparent I miss is my grandfather.  My mom's dad.
He passed away the year after I graduated high school.  I was his "favorite" and he would tell anyone within earshot! HAHA!  My other cousins were screw ups (still are if you ask me) and I was an angel.  Never been in trouble with the law (both of the others have), never hit my mother (both of the others have), graduated high school on time, and with great grades (the others graduated, but by the skin of their teeth and summer school), I dated TJ (for more than 4 years) got married, bought a house, and then had a kid...the others did it totally backasswards. :)
Since he passed, my grandmother went off her rocker! She and I do not speak anymore (a whole other story in and of itself) and she dotes on those other two like they are the bestest kids in the world (and they are nowhere near that!).  But whatever.  So I miss my grandfather.  The peacekeeper (well between me and the others).  Well if you knew him, you might say different - but he was like that to me.  And I loved him!

There are probably lots of other things I miss - like my sister and her family living closer, sleep, being able to go out all the time, and having extra money (kids will suck you dry I tell ya!). LOL :)

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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Saw this on another Blog I stumbled on (I'm telling you, I need a BSA group ASAP!!!)

Song for a Fifth Child:

Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth
empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
hang out the washing and butter the bread,
sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
and out in the yard there a hullabaloo
but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

By Ruth Hulburt Hamilton, 1958

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Gluton for punishment

So yesterday, while my boss was out of the office I started Blog Stalking's becoming a bad addiction and I can't stop.  Is there a BSA (Blog Stalking Anonymous) group that I can join???

Anyway...I somehow keep looping back to the blogs of parents with a loss.  I'm not sure how I get into these things, but once I realize what it is, I can't stop reading. 

Well yesterday's was about a family that had a happy and healthy little girl.  Everything was great with her...until she got a "cold" at 4 months old.  The mom didn't think much about it and just treated it like you would any other "cold" in an infant.  Well one night the baby just kept coughing, wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep and so finally they took her to the ER. The doctors figured out that it wasn't just a regular cold and thought it might be meningitis (or however you spell that horrid disease).  After a couple different hospitals and a dozen+ tests, they found out it was a genetic disease. I can't remember the name of it cause it had to be 30 letters long and sounded absolutely horrible. 

Basically it was incurable, and the baby passed away at 9 months old.  :'(
This story had me crying ALL AFTERNOON! Kali is 4 months old.  Kali has a "cough" that I mentioned to the doctor at her 4 month checkup, but she said it was normal since babies don't breath out of their mouth yet and it's their way of "clearing their throat".  But it has me so worried now.

Of course, the second 5pm rolled around I was out the door to pick Kali up and held her all night long.
And then, because I was crying yesterday, I now have a migraine that lasted all night and is still lingering this morning. ::sigh::

I just can't believe everything there is to worry about in the world.  There are so many diseases that I've never even heard of, or thought of that could strike at any minute.

The worst thing in the world to me right now would be losing my child.  That would be something that I don't know if I could recover from.  I think it would be different if I had 2 children, so that I would have one that could keep me going.  But right now, with only having Kali - I don't think I could survive it.

So, just like the other night when I lit a candle for Charlotte and Adam...I'll be lighting a candle every night for all the parents out there that have had to live through losing a child too soon!

And I'm going to try and stop looking at those dang blogs! I can't cry everyday! :'(

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Day 18-Something you regret

I have done a lot of things that I regret over the years.  Most of them I'm not going to talk about on a blog! :)

But the thing that I will talk about is:
I regret the way I treated members of my family when I was younger.  I was a HORRIBLE teenager (and I'm hoping that Kali doesn't repay me for my behavior) and didn't treat my mom or my grandmother, who lived with us, the best.  I yelled and spat horrid things... I think I regret that the most.  I know that the things that I said probably hurt the ones that I loved the most.  And now I try to be better. 
That's one good thing about regrets, you learn to change them so you don't regret those same things again.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 17-Something you're looking forward to

I'm looking forward to a lot of things now. 
Small things:
Taking Kali to the Zoo
Going on a family vacation
My Birthday (like every year!!)
Kali's 1st Birthday
Christmas (Kali will be more fun!)

Big Things:
Buying a forever House
Getting a job with a huge firm where I'm appreciated! ;)
Watching Kali grow up
Having another child (possibly)
Going to Kali's Graduation - from High school and College
Going to her Wedding (when she's 30)
Travelling to Italy
Watching all of Kali's dreams come true!! :)

The things I look forward to have drastically changed since having Kali. I used to dream small...but now there is so much up ahead! I can't wait!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 16-Dream house

Oh, my dream house! ::sigh::
I want a huge yard for my 10 dogs to run around in.
I want a large living room and kitchen so that all of our friends can come over with their families and cook out.
I want the bedrooms to be HUGE so that each one can be our own little piece of silence away from the noise of the rest of the house.
I want my OWN bathroom - that NO ONE is allowed to use but me!
I want a garden tub to soak my worries away.
I want one of those rain water shower heads!
I want a 3 car garage, so I don't have to walk in the rain.
I want TJ to have his own shed/garage in the very back of the property so he can play with his fourwheelers without bugging me with the noise! LOL
I want a pool that I don't have to take care of, just able to enjoy!
I want it to be a happy home!!! =)



Since starting this blog, I have become a "Blog Stalker".  I check out blogs that I follow, and then look at their followed blogs, and then those followed blogs, and so forth.  It's becoming an addiction.  I used to hate blogs, and now I find them fascinating. 

Some of the blogs that I've been following lately are of mothers that have lost their baby for one reason or another.  I'm not sure why I read these blogs, because all I do is cry and morn these families and babies that I don't know.  But sometimes I feel like I do "know" them from (addicted to that site as well). 

Well yesterday, as I was Blog Stalking, I came across this blog
I spent most of yesterday (shhhhh, don't tell my boss that I wasn't really working) reading all of her posts about her adorable son Adam and how she lost him so suddenly.  (Gosh, makes me cry again thinking about that day). 
In one of her posts, she said that complete strangers have been lighting candles in remembrance of her son Adam and also Charlotte (from the blog Up to the Moon and Back here:
So, last night while I was getting ready for my fancy Valentine's dinner with the hubby (ha, not really "fancy" but we'll pretend), I was telling him all about Adam and Charlotte's stories.  And how as soon as we got home that I wanted to light a candle for them.  I told him that I couldn't imagine what those families are going through and I don't know how I would handle the loss of our Kali.  It really makes you realize that anything can happen in the blink of an eye that you're not prepared for. 

So, as soon as we got home with Kali, I lit a candle for Adam and Charlotte.  I might not know them personally, but my heart definitely knows them and will remember their stories forever.

Here are a couple of pictures of the candle I lit.  (I'm in desperate need of a new camera, so these aren't the best pictures - but the thought is there all the same!)

To Adam and Charlotte:
You may have only lived short lives, but your story lives on through your families.  And even though they might not know it; those stories touch others. 
You have touched my heart forever! Rest in Peace little angels!
