Saturday, September 22, 2012

Potty Training 101

Since Kali has been interested in the potty since she was around 18 months old, I said that I wanted her to be potty trained by the time she was 2.

Well.....her birthday is right around the corner, and I haven't really been working on the potty training like I should.  So, this weekend, since we didn't have anything on the agenda, I decided it was time to start the potty training. I honestly think it was ME holding back.  Kali is good about going to the potty when we ask her (like after lunch or before a bath), but we're not very consistent in asking her to go.

I've been reading a lot of articles and blogs and asking friends about their techniques.  So, I figured I would combine a few of those strategies together and see how it works.  I started by making Kali a "Kali's Potty Treat" jar, and 2 special jars.  I filled the treat jar with M&Ms and one of the other jars (labeled "Start") with 5 cotton balls, the other was labeled "End".  I told her that every time she went pee or poop, she got 1 M&M and got to move 1 cotton ball from the start jar to the end jar.  When the end jar was filled up, she will get a special treat!

 Then, when we woke up I took off her wet diaper and let her go all natural.  That way, if she had the urge, she hopefully wouldn't potty on my floor.  I set the timer on my phone to go off every 15 minutes so that I would remember to ask her to go potty.  This morning, she was a little resistant at first.  So I loaded her up with juice.  She loves Capri Suns, and we normally only let her have one or two a week (because we still water down her juice in her sippy cup).  She thought it was a real treat to be able to drink 2 of them back to back...but momma was hoping this would make her have to go to the bathroom! :-)

For the first two hours, she kept saying that she didn't have to go potty.  We played, read books, watched Bubble Guppies, and watched her "The Potty Book" movie (along with the book) by Alyssa Capucilli.  Finally, at about 11:30am so was standing next to me in front of the couch, and she tinkled 3 little drops.  She gasped and said "POTTY" and went running down the hallway to the bathroom.  She went to the potty, and she got an M&M out of her Treat jar and got to move a cotton ball to the end jar.

At the end of lunch, she said "Potty", and went into the bathroom and went pee.  She was so proud of herself!!!  During nap, I put a pull up on her, but told her they were her special panties.  After she woke up, I took her into the potty and she went.  Then, I left the pull up off.  Hopefully she is getting the hang of it.  She will probably be going pants-less tomorrow as well.  After a few days of no accidents, I'm going to take her to the store and let her pick out her very own panties. 

Enjoying a Capri Sun while going potty!
And there is her special "Kali's Potty Treat" jar

Now, I just have to figure out how to make her understand that you don't play in the bathroom.  She just wants to hang out in there all afternoon...

Growing up so fast!!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I don't want to say it out loud...but........Kali start Preschool.  And...she freaking loves it!
I didn't know how she was going to react to going to school, so we opted for 2 days a week instead of 3 or 5.  But, from the second she walked into the classroom, she's been like "Bye Mom. Thanks for dropping me off."  Which totally breaks my heart.  I find myself jealous of those mothers with children clinging to their legs.  But then, the other part of me is so thankful that Kali is independent and confident enough to walk into a room and feel comfortable and not need me to hold her hand the entire time. 
Her teacher is Ms. Lori and she seems great! There is a play kitchen in her classroom, and apparently, Kali adores it! The teacher said that she'll put something in the "microwave" and push buttons like she's turning it on.  She does a lot of pretend play now-a-days.

Kali on Orientation day.
She was so adorable! Gave me kissy faces, and stood there for me to take a picture!
Like a big girl....
She was so excited!

Her name was even on the bulletin board out front of the classroom!
Kali was such a little stinker on her first day of school! The teacher had play dough on the table...well that was all she wrote! Kali sat down at the table without even taking off her back pack!  I had to convince her to take her backpack off before she started playing!

When I went to pick her up after her first day, I asked the teacher how she did.  Ms. Lori said, "She's...busy." LOL! Oh, she has NO idea just how "busy" Kali can be!  But, she will learn! Soon enough! HAHAHA!!! Bless her heart. :-)

Look at those little hands!!!!!!!!!
I love this picture so much! Those little hands have a full grasp of my heart and I can't express enough how proud I am of her!

I've framed this print and it's in the living room.  Kali will walk by it and say "My hands" and hold her hands up. It's adorable!

She is growing up so fast! I love and adore her. (I'm not sure I've said that enough!)

Instagram Picture Dump!

I guess it's time to do an Instagram Picture Dump!! I've had some great pictures posted on Instagram~

Kali with Aunt Debbie
Yes....that's my 2 year old driving a BMW!!
Aunt Debbie spoils her...often! :-)
Is it wrong to be a jealous of a 2 year old!?
I wanna drive the BMW too!!! HAHA

Bathtub Fun!
Her hair is finally getting long! Woo Hoo!!

Kali isn't afraid of ANYTHING!
She was jumping off the diving board!
I can't praise the Puddle Jumper enough!
It gives Kali the confidence she needs in the pool, while giving her freedom of having someone holding her.  But she does get her face in the water, and knows how to kick her feet.
I can't wait to get back to swim lessons with her! She's such a water baby!!!

My little kitchen helper!
She was helping me make the sauce for meatloaf.

Me and My Bugaloo! <3

Me and Kalibug again!

Like mother, like daughter! :-)

Daddy's little helper!
She helped put the shelf together in her room.
She even turned the screwdriver the right way!

Pinterest Project - CHECK!
Crayon Roll!
For my first sewing project, I was pretty excited about it.

Even Bunny has to be safe!

Yarn wreath I made for TJ's parents!
They're huge Alabama fans.
I love how it turned out!

Me and my love!

Kali and I at lunch!
I love this little girl more than words!!!!

Sleepy Baby

Picking pears in the back yard! So proud!

Tut, tut, it looks like rain.

Preparing for Baby Brelynn

One of my best friends, Lauren, is pregnant with her first baby ~ Brelynn Elise.

We're all so excited for her, and can't wait to spoil another baby within our group of friends.  I just had to share how creative and talented all of us are and what we were able to put together for Lauren's baby shower!!!

Our Candy Table.
Chocolate covered LOTS and candy galore.
Plus, our DIY Thank You Banner.

Chocolate covered Marshmallows ~ YUM!!!!
We used dark and white chocolate for all of our goodies
For the white chocolate, we used the new Duncan Hines icing flavors to turn it pink.  It also gave it the white chocolate a delicious flavor!
We used to the Bubble Gum and Strawberry Shortcake flavors.
Then, we got some yummy toppings: Toffee, Chocolate shavings, and sprinkles.

Chocolate covered pretzels

A sign I made for the candy bar
I used Microsoft Word, but it took me forever!
It was difficult to get the words to span the whole width of the page, but I made it work.
I was very happy when I found this frame at Hobby Lobby (at 50% off) that was beautiful! 
It has a burgundy tint around the outside on the decoration. Love it!

All the chocolates and candy, were for the guests to take home.
We made up some of the goodie bags and placed them around the table as well.
Love the Thank you Tags with Raffia.
And that Chocolate marshmallow looks delish!!!!!

Letters for Brelynn's room that Mary made!
She's amazing and has done so many letter for other friends.
We've told her she needs to sell them, but I'm not sure if she's convinced or not. LOL

The beautiful cake made by Teresa with ChunkyMonkey
She was able to get the design to match the invitation, which matched the bedding.
See...surrounded by talent!

The food table
Lots of great food made - and most came from Tastefully Simple
And the topiary were made by Theresa. Ribbons looped all over
They're fantastic and beautiful!!

Rocking horse made by Lacy.
She bought a plain wooden horse and painted and decorated the entire thing!
It was amazing!
Even had Brelynn's name on it.
I want one for Kali, but I think she's too big now :(

Diaper Raffle
Amy made the diaper motorcycle on the right, and then a guest brought one (it's on the left).
Another guest brought that diaper bundle too!
So cute wrapped in a baby blanket and tied with ribbon.
The whole gang with the mom-to-be

Me and Jen with our prized Candy Table!
She worked so hard on dipping the oreos and pretzels
and I did the marshmallows!
We sure did enjoy taste testing our creations ;-)

Overall, we had a great shower! And Lauren and Brelynn were definitely showered with gifts and love!!!
If you want to know how we made any of the stuff above, let me know! There were so many people that brought this shower together and everyone is so talented! I love it and I'm so excited that I have all these women as my friends and in my child's life!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yee Haw

Kali had the opportunity to participate in a Horse Show with our friend Lacy.  Lacy invited all the kiddos to do a "Lead Line" during the horse show in Marianna.  Kali was so excited. 

It started with buying Kali a cowgirl hat, boots, and a plaid shirt.  She really enjoyed picking that stuff out, and looked adorable!

The horse Kali got to ride was named "Scotty" and she did so well.  Of course, all the kids did great, so they all got First Place ribbons. Look at how cute they were:

All the kids with Rally (Lacy's horse)
Ava, Hannah, Travis, Kali, and Hayley

Lacy with her first love - Rally

Kali riding Scotty

She did so good holding on and riding Scotty

Now, every time you ask her what you say when you get on a horse, she says "Yee Haw".  She's ready to be a cowgirl!