Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yee Haw

Kali had the opportunity to participate in a Horse Show with our friend Lacy.  Lacy invited all the kiddos to do a "Lead Line" during the horse show in Marianna.  Kali was so excited. 

It started with buying Kali a cowgirl hat, boots, and a plaid shirt.  She really enjoyed picking that stuff out, and looked adorable!

The horse Kali got to ride was named "Scotty" and she did so well.  Of course, all the kids did great, so they all got First Place ribbons. Look at how cute they were:

All the kids with Rally (Lacy's horse)
Ava, Hannah, Travis, Kali, and Hayley

Lacy with her first love - Rally

Kali riding Scotty

She did so good holding on and riding Scotty

Now, every time you ask her what you say when you get on a horse, she says "Yee Haw".  She's ready to be a cowgirl!

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